
آیا مایل به دریافت اطلاعیه آگهی های مشابه به صورت ایمیل و یا پیامک هستید ؟

دریافت اشتراک

تـوضیــحات :

مزایده ، Hereby Sirjan Jahan Steel Company announces selling and export 10,000 STEEL BILLET (Size 150 x 150 mm) with the possibility of increasing the contract amount to 30,000 tons on basis of FOB, Interested bidders are invited to get documents with send an email to sjsco.sales.info@gmail.com
All the documents will be sent VIA email.
All bids on conformity to tender instruction should be submitted no later than Sunday, Nov. 26th, 2023 (2023-11-26)
For more information, please contact us at: Tel: +2186084642

آدرس : سیرجان

آخرین مهلت شرکت : 1402/09/05 08:30:00

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