مناقصه complete its battery production lines ( نوبت 1 )


آیا مایل به دریافت اطلاعیه آگهی های مشابه به صورت ایمیل و یا پیامک هستید ؟

دریافت اشتراک

تـوضیــحات :

مناقصه ، In order to complete its battery production lines in the province of Isfahan, the city of Khansar, Faraz Battery Novin Parsian has decided to procure the following machines through holding a tender. Therefore, all machinery manufacturing companies or reputable commercial companies that have experience in the field of manufacturing and selling machines for starter battery production lines are invited to participate in this tender. Funding of this tender is done by the shareholders of the company.
The list of required machines is as follows.
1 Oxid department 2 Mixer-Cone-Dosing 3 Pasting line 4 Wide lead strip line 5 Punching machine 6 Grid expander machine 7 Curing chamber
The participants in the tender are free to submit an offer for the whole machine and/or each machine.
Those who are interested in participating in the tender can refer to the address Vali-e-asr Street, Esfandiar Boulevard, No. 38, 3rd floor, within one week from the publication date. Telephone number 021-88651741 is the answering of the tender participants.

آدرس : تهران

آخرین مهلت شرکت : 1402/07/17 12:00:00

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